E158 – From $8K to $450K Month in Just 3 Years w/ Brandon Vaughn
Brandon Vaughn, the CEO of Automate Grow Sell, where he helps small business owners systemize and scale their companies through personalized mentorship and training programs. Brandon grew up watching his father work through the highs and lows of owning a small business. When a serious illness left his father unable to continue the physical labor required to keep his business
running, Brandon took it over and grew from 0 employees to over 70 in less than 6 seasons. Today, he’s sharing the secrets behind his own success through Conquer, a personalized mentorship program designed to inspire a balanced entrepreneurial life through systems and coaching.
During our interview we discuss:
– Why Brandon decided to become an entrepreneur.
– He shares how he grew his first venture from $8k per month to over $450k per month and then sold it.
– We also talk about how acquired another small business and has been able to increase sales by X.
– The #1 strategy he uses to get new leads and clients.
– He shares the importance of having the proper mindset in order to ramp up and grow a profitable business.
– Brandon talks about the strategy he used to scale his coaching business beyond his own bandwidth.
– The importance of accountability having an accountability partner.
– He talks about the first and foremost thought he has everyday that has allowed him to grow so rapidly.
– Brandon shares his favorite growth tool/software.
– He then recommends one of his favorite books.
Brandon’s websites:
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