E138 – How to Close More Deals Over the Phone without Being Pushy
Kayvon Kay grew up in a small town in Ontario Canada, Growing up he had been labeled with every condition in the book ADD, ADHD, LLD. he was constantly humiliated and bullied. At age 19 the dean at his college recommended that he work a factory job, but tides turned when he focused on growing one of the most important skills which was sales. Since then he has been the #1 sales rep. making $200,000 $250,000 while helping to create a coaching program that went from $0 to $9 million in revenue in less than 10 months. Kayvon recently left and is now building an empire with a team of vetted closers and started his coaching program to help people who have high ticket offers they want to sell by using Kayvons advanced techniques.
During our interview we discuss:
– Kayvon shares how and why he decided to learn how to sell and eventually start his own business.
– Then we talk about his #1 strategy he uses to generate new clients for his business.
– He shares tips on how to close high tickets sales over the phone without being pushy or salesy.
– We talk about the importance of NOT sounding like a typical sales person.
– He also shares the reasons why the sales process is derailed by objections and the importance of controlling the conversation.
– Next we talk about how to attract high quality leads by building authority upfront where prospects take the initiative to book a call with you vs you cold calling them.
– Kayvon shares one of his a great tip about how to effectively cold call prospects.
– We talk about the fact that today’s buyers are more educated than ever and the importance of being authentic.
– He shares the importance of consistent follow up and how most of the money is on the back-end.
– Kayvon talks about the 3 levels of pain and how to leverage it to increase your sales.
– He shares his favorite growth tool/software.
– He shares one of his favorite books.
Kayvon’s websites:
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